Andrew Lees is a Contract Engineer working on behalf of Ocean Blue Interim Solutions - experience with: NPI automation for assembly and processing equipment, supporting IQ,OQ and PQ pharmaceutical protocols and testing.
Companies Experiences at: ATM, RNA, Philips Avent, CooperVision. Aerospace background with FMCG lean manufacturing expertise.
Building a good team together
Bringing skills and experience to support a company is always a tenuous activity. Its not always your performance that has an impact, but how well you fit into the team. Automation has always ranked high in my understanding of how to make an impact on a company performance.
This can all go wrong if the organisation has only just embarked on the improvements though the automation route. Even companies having years of experience can be transfixed on the DFMA process when the basis of the rationale is outdated.
just one small piece of advice thats taken years of painful trials and tribulation to establish. Equipment that works first time and is in production within a 6 week IQ, OQ and PQ will always be using a robot for the assembly.
Think of longevity, flexibility and sustainability before picking that super fast system that will solve all your problems…….it can be expensive, painful and consume an ever increasing labour force to maintain.
No matter how big or small the project, If you would like to discuss your scenario contact me on Andrew@obisltd.com